jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

Sports Speaking Exam

q3 to 5 minutes long

qPresent a sport that you enjoy doing.
vHow long you have done it for?
vWhy do you like it? How does it make you feel?
vHow often do you do it and at what level?
vWhere you do it and with who?

qPresent a sport that you would love to try
vWhy do you want to try it?
vHow would it make you feel?
vWhere would you like to do it?

qPresent a sport that you don’t like
vSay why you dontlike it?

vHow does it make you feel

You must incliude:
Adjectives to describe sports from Quizlet
Good phrases about sports from your notebook
Good vocab and phrases from the exercises in your booklet